buying or selling
The most common reason clients engage MD Johnson, Inc. is for the purpose of assisting in the sale or acquisition of an automobile dealership, or group of dealerships. For 17 years, more than 200 times and billions of dollars in transactions, MD Johnson, Inc. has assisted both buyers and sellers of automobile dealerships – both public and private – in the sale or disposition process.
Probably the most common reason for performing a business valuation is that either the buyer or the seller of the business, or both, wish to have an objective and independent professional appraisal of what the business is worth. Often these valuations are used as the basis for the negotiation of the selling price.
Succession Planning is based on one simple premise: at some point in the future, every owner leaves their business, voluntarily or otherwise. At that time they will want to receive the maximum amount of money in order to accomplish personal, financial and estate planning objectives.
market launches
The North American market for automobiles, motorcycles and Powersports vehicles represents a massive opportunity for foreign manufacturers. However, many companies have tried and pulled back due to the complexity of Franchise laws, liabilities and operational challenges.